

MDR television report - An invention for better wound healing

SIMPLY GENIAL - Finally walking again without crutches. Source: Mr. Steinfurth has been suffering from an infected, chronic wound on his foot for many years. MDR accompanied him during one of his treatments and shows our wound dressing in action. We are happy together with him about the positive changes in his life, wish him a continued...

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New plasma therapy helps heal wounds

NDR TV Report - New Plasma Therapy Helps Wound Healing Plasma treatment works on the covered area, but also in small pores and skin depressions. It is rather painless. From Vorpommern there is a medical innovation that could help many patients, especially with chronic wounds. The so-called cold plasma patch is a kind of plaster through which cold plasma...

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Watchlist 2019: Ten people who are changing the health & science sector

#1 Health&Science for CEO of Coldplasmatech Curing diseases, saving lives, advancing research. These ten scientists and entrepreneurs care. That's why they are part of our Watchlist 2019, where we present 100 people who will make a difference in the coming year. First place in the "Health & Science" category: Carsten Mahrenholz, who with Coldplasmatec has made disinfecting...

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