"We were one of the first CPT® Plasma.Competence.Centers in Germany. Cold plasma therapy has opened up new business areas for us."

Felix Grashoff
Managing Director MeckCura Pflegedienst GmbH, Güstrow

"We were one of the first CPT® Plasma.Competence.Centers in Germany. Cold plasma therapy has opened up new business areas for us."

Felix Grashoff
Managing Director MeckCura Pflegedienst GmbH, Güstrow


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Cold plasma in the nursing service - a success story.

Interview with Felix Grasshoff
Managing Director of MeckCura Pflegedienst GmbH, Güstrow

CPT® Plasma.Competence.Centers.

Because it's about improving the quality of wound care and not just treating wounds, but healing them sustainably.  

The CPT® Plasma.Competence.Centers are specialized treatment centers with the highest hygienic standards and holistic approach where patients with chronic and difficult-to-heal wounds are treated professionally.

We have set ourselves the goal of ensuring significantly improved specialized wound treatment for patients with chronic and/or difficult-to-heal wounds compared to the previous standard care.

Our approach: quality and innovative treatment methods in wound management

Close-meshed internal and external quality assurance is continuously documented and carried out in our centers. On average, specialized audits and QM audits are carried out twice a year and are thus recorded.

The aim of this system standard is to standardize and define a minimum standard for organizational systems of our treatment facilities

If you would also like to become a CPT® Plasma.Competence.Center. please write to us at sales@coldplasmatech.de or call us at +49 3834 77 14700.

We look forward to seeing your patients smile!


How to become a CPT® Plasma.Competence.Center?

It is important to us that our philosophy, the necessary quality standards and also the treatment criteria are adhered to and lived. Therefore, we carry out an audit with all applicants,
during which we check whether the necessary criteria are met in the following subject areas:

For treatment, a CPT®patch is to be applied to the wound area and operated by means of the CPT®cube.

All topics contain scored criteria, of which the most important are defined as "mandatory fields" and are assigned the are assigned the highest individual score.


After a successful pilot phase, we appoint the new partner officially as CPT® Plasma.Competence.Center.

For treatment, a CPT®patch is to be applied to the wound area and operated by means of the CPT®cube.

After a successful pilot phase, we officially appoint the new partner as CPT® Plasma.Competence.Center. From then on, a comprehensive support package will also be available:

A. Treatment

Plasma consultation hour

Technical on-site support by arrangement

Online treatment support

B. Technology and service

Technical equipment

48 hours cube exchange service

Telephone hotline for technical support

Support in billing issues

C. Marketing and communication

Integration into all central marketing measures (analog/digital)

Right to use the brand logos

Networking with the Coldplasmatech website and Info Hub

Involvement in press work/support for regional press work

Information and use of presence at trade fairs and congresses


Support for prescriber events (presence, hybrid, online)

Use of the specialist network plasma medicine

Social media integration (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, etc.)


Notes for prescribers

The Federal Joint Committee has recognized the relevance of cold plasma therapy and confirmed this by confirmed this by initiating a trial study. The classification of the CPT®patch in the in the SHI benefits catalog has not yet been conclusively clarified. It is conceivable that the CPT®patch could be classified as a dressing and therefore can be prescribed without further ado according to the known principles of the can be prescribed. However, it is also possible that it could be classified as another wound care product or as part of a new of a new method and can therefore only be prescribed at the present time with can only be prescribed if approved by the health insurance company. In this situation, it is advisable, in the interests of recourse security, to check the the obligation of the insured person's health insurance fund to provide benefits and to have this confirmed in writing. It makes sense for the prescriber to explain the individual severity of the illness and, above all, the unsuccessful exhaustion of all more cost-effective alternatives as well as the available evidence. alternatives and the available evidence.


Notes for homecare

The Federal Joint Committee has recognized the relevance of cold plasma therapy and confirmed this by confirmed this by initiating a trial study. The classification of the CPT®patch in the in the SHI benefits catalog has not yet been conclusively clarified. It is conceivable that the CPT®patch could be classified as a dressing and and therefore can be reimbursed without further ado according to the known principles of the is dispensable. However, it is also conceivable that it could be classified as another wound care product or as part of a new of a new method and can therefore only be dispensed at the present time with only if approved by the health insurance company. In this situation, it is advisable in the interest of protecting against retaxation to obtain authorization from the the health insurance company before dispensing the CPT®patch, that it recognizes its obligation to provide benefits. For the confirmation of the obligation to pay benefits to be declared to the insured person the treating physician should state the individual severity of the illness and, above all the unsuccessful exhaustion of all more cost-effective alternatives and the available evidence. evidence available.